Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Hello to Belgum and the States.

I notice someone from Belgium has viewed my blog. Bonjour! I LOVE Belgium! Particularly the wonderful comics your country has put out. Asterix, Lucky Luke, Gil Jordan, Fantasio & Spirou, Marsupilami. I am looking forward to 'The Adventures of Tintin'. It comes out in New Zealand on Boxing day.

Hello to those in America that drop by. Love your country's comics too, in particular, Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, Goofy and Uncle Scrooge.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Sunny Sunday, Clouded

You get those weeks when you find it hard to be thankful. This could have been one of those weeks. To cut a long story short. I told the landlady the truth about herself with as much love as I could muster (and perhaps that was part of the problem ... try and muster something out of yourself and not through the Lord, and it stands a high chance of not being as successful as you would like). So I told the landlady the truth in mustered up love, and now I have three weeks to find another place.

I however do not regret what I told her. I suspect she has never had anyone really tell the truth to her. It's foreign, uncomfortable, in her face. She can't look into the mirror, so she smashes it. Smashing the mirror equates to getting rid of me. In a text, not face to face, she wrote,'The time has come for you to move on.' Dear, dear landlady. Getting rid of me won't get rid of the truth.

I had wanted to move out a month and a half ago, but I didn't feel it was quite the right time, and I think this is because if I had left then, I would have gone away with stuff bottled up inside me, and it wouldn't be healthy. Right now I am very much at peace, she reacting at  what was said in the email,  it touched a nerve. I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue his work in her life, good will come out of this.

I am more at piece now than I was earlier today, because after chatting with a few folk at church tonight, there is a room I can move into Monday, if I would like. I have chosen to stay here for a couple of weeks, and plan to continue to extend love, through Christ, not through mustering, to my sister while I'm here. Maybe we will still get that chance to talk face to face. I am thankful today because of the body of Christ at Campus Church helped me nut out a few things. Oh how wonderful it is to have Christian brothers and sisters about you. Surround yourself my friends, with godly people, it is more than good for you - it is essential.

Blessings Glenn

Friday, December 2, 2011

Church Membership

Fry-up Fryday is here. And today I'll be looking at Courtney's Faithful Blogging Prompt #9.

Video Running Time 5:57

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Genesis Bible Study 1 - Creation.

The Genesis 1 - 11 Study has begun. Notes collated. We're already to go.

Video Running Time 14:50

Apologies. Something has gone awry with the production of this vid. I will rectify it and repost the video. Error now corrected.
